Sunday, June 22, 2008

Potty Training!

This event actually took place about a mon. and half ago.

After potty training Carson, I pretty much thought I was a failure as a mother. Brayden has been my redemption. He's been ready for along time, but Carson was such a nightmare I was terrified. He forced me into it though by taking off his diaper EVERY TIME he peed. I don't know about you, but really 10 diapers a day is a bit much. So I took a deep breath, cleared my schedule for three days and told myself not to look back. The first three hours started off horribly, he had an accident every ten min. Than just like that he got it!! I was shocked when hour after hour went by with out an accident, than days and now weeks! AMAZING!!

The whole pooping thing took a little longer, but still wasn't bad. He did say the funniest thing though. He had an accident, and I said to him, "Brayden what happened?" He replied, "I dunno Mama, the poop just fell out of me."

The only problem we're having now that he's figured out he can control the pee, he can't fathom why any one uses a toilet. Isn't it so much cooler to pee off the back steps, or in the field across the street, or in the GARBAGE CAN (gross!). A daughter would never give me these problems!

My take on potty training, WAIT TILL THEY ARE READY. I really think that Carson was so hard because he just wasn't ready. And age has nothing to do with it. Carson was three, Brayden was barely two when I felt like he was ready.


Clark Family said...

Boys, oh yay!!! That's awesome! Potty training all done till the next one. I wish I could go to book club with you. I miss it and I need to be reading I have no motivation because I have no reason to really read. I mean seriously who reads just for fun and not because they get to see all their friends once a month!?!

The Archuleta's said...

Yay for potty training! That story about Brayden peeing on the tramp while jumping still makes me laugh. We need to get together soon, we miss you guys. Tell Ryan Happy Birthday for us! Sorry we won't be able to make it to dinner.

Leesee Girlyfield said...

Congrats to Brayden!!! What a funny little kid! I haven't attempted the potty training w/Ivy yet. I just can't see it being an easy thing with the stubborn personality she has... hopefully I am wrong though.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous....but happy for you. I keep waiting for any desire....a glimmer....but were still not there yet.

Heidi Parson said...

CONGRATS!!! You'll love not having diapers!!

Jamie said...

I will definitely need some advice when my babes are ready! Your Brayden has the most beautiful eyes Holly!

Emily said...

Good to know. JC, definitely not ready. I just get sick of everyone telling me that he is 3 and he should be ready.

Lilet said...

I'm so jealous!! How would it be to have no kids in diapers! Or even just one out of diapers!! Good for him. :)

Tiffany said...

Yay for Brayden!! When is his birthday? Matthew is totally not ready, William was hard but not too horrible and I really learned my lesson on waiting until they are ready with him!! Gotta love boys! Will likes to pee outside, why use a toilet when you can pee on the plants or grass or to kill ants......

Marc Gingell said...

Hey guys! I am just finding all these blogs of people in our old ward. Kinda fun! What cute boys you have :)

Brianne said...

It's crazy to see you and your cute family! I love reading your blog and I've missed you!! Hope all is well, your boys are adorable.

Fab Five said...

Funny how when we dreamt of becoming mothers we never thought of the moment where our greatest accomplishment was getting our boys to do their business in the potty... but yet how fulfilling is it?! Wohoo for you and Brayden! Sorry about the stitches though.

Hillary Garner said...

Okay Holly...I've been patient long enough! Where the heck are you? I need a new post here to see what you've been up too...i've been missing my SP friends terribly lately!

Brittany said...

Hi Holly!!! I found you via Brianne, come visit my blog and let's catch up! You have a beautiful family, you're looking as wonderful as ever!


Why we left the kids behind