Monday, June 2, 2008

A Little Disapointed

= No:

I have a weird eye condition called Keratoconus. Basically Keratoconus is like a bad astigmatism. The astigmatism is so bad that my eye bulges out like the bottom eye in the picture.

Or if you prefer the creepy picture, like this eye:
Pretty huh?!

To correct the problem I have to wear hard contacts that essentially shove my eye back into the right shape. The problem is, that my eyes are so "out of shape" that I have to wear hard contacts that fit really tight, so tight that they rub against my eye, which as you can imagine hurts. The solution: wear soft contacts under my hard contacts. Yes I wear two pairs of contacts on each eye. They stick to each other, get bubbles under each other and generally bug the crap out of me, but hey I can see.

Keratoconus is a degenerative eye disease and my right eye is significantly worse than my left. Today I went to the eye Dr. for yet another contact fitting and he finally gave up on me. ( We have been trying to find a contact to fit my right eye for months, he says it is like fitting a frisbee to a football). So, next month I'm off to see a specialist to see if they can find a surgical procedure to fix my eye, most likely a corneal transplant.

So what does all of this have to do with a baby? Well I have been baby hungry pretty much since Brayden was two months old, but felt like emotionally my family needed a break from my
rough pregnancies. Finally I have started to feel like we were all ready. Not so, says the eye Dr. They will likely not even do the surgery for another 3 mon. and I CAN NOT be pregnant when they do the surgery. Than they don't want me to get pregnant for another 3-6 mon. after that while they wait for my eye to stabilize, since pregnancy has proven to be bad for my eyes (it make the keratoconus shift a lot).

It's amazing how bad you start to want something when some one tells you, you can't have it! Oh and I'm a little freaked out to have my eye operated on. My Dr. comforted me by telling me that they don't use stitches any more. Great I feel SO much better.


Becky said...

I'm sorry. Hopefully you can get it taken care of quick and then get that baby!! :)

The Archuleta's said...

That surgery sounds scary! Be sure to let us know if you need any help. And I sure understand the whole baby hungry thing.

Clark Family said...

No way that sucks. I'm sorry! Well I guess you can enjoy the time you still have before you get pregnant cause you pregnancies don't sound very fun. My uncle had cancer in his cornea and had to get a transplant. Everything went fine and his eye is fine. Oh and that was back in the day. Now I should tell you what happened about six months ago when he was playing basketball at his church and wasn't wearing his goggles to protect his eye and he got elbowed on the side of his head and his cornea and iris popped out and all they could find on the basketball court was the iris. Therefore a) he was going to be blind in that eye or b) they could see if they could repair it. They took option B and he had surgery on it again and his vision is clearing up and almost perfect. It was freaky you should have seen him without color in his eye. Creepy!! Don't worry it will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Everything will work out just fine. Heavenly Father knows what you need.
How is your buisness going? It looks fun!

Leesee Girlyfield said...

Oh, man!!! That sucks, Holly! I hope the surgery goes well for you and you have a quick recovery. I will be thinking and praying for you. I Miss ya!!!!

Tiffany said...

Oh man Holly, I'm sorry!! Hopefully the surgery will fix it and you won't have anymore problems!! Surgery is scary no matter what, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!

Emily said...

Ah man! That's too bad! I hope everything goes well, keep us posted! I didn't know Heidi was pregnant, tell her congrats, I hear everything is going pretty well. Your trip to Disneyland looks so fun!

Kacie said...

Oh Holly.....we really should talk. I totally feel your pain. My doctor is pressuring me to go on some medication for my eyes that I CAN NOT get pregnant while I am on. I have to be on it for a minimum of 2 years....I dont want to do it so I keep putting it off but I probably really NEED to do it. I want to get pregnant again so bad but Indy is only 9 months old! And her and Fred are so close together already. And how do I choose between a baby I want risking long term vision loss???? I just want ONE MORE (really I want 2 or 3 more but I have to be realistic about this).

I am so sorry you are going through that. It's no fun. If you ever need to talk.....

Eye surgery IS scary, but at least you get to sleep through it and I think the Moran Eye Center is AMAZING. They have some amazing equipment and doctors. Maybe I will see you there!

Heidi Rogers said...

I actually had the chance to scam through some others blogs and I found you and your ADORABLE family... I hope everything turns out good for your eye. I hope you remember me Heidi Wilson from school. I will add you to my blog so I can keep up with your cute family.

Janessa Taylor said... I have been out of commission for a while--just kinda sickly..didn't really want to do anything, but now I'm back. I need to call you...I need to do Melaleuca--I have a couple in mind already, but that's the first in a few months. Anyway, I'll call you, just wanted to check out your blog--so sad about the pregnancy thing, and your eye!! I hope they can just FIX THEM BOTH so they're perfect and you won't even HAVe to wear contacts! I guess it's wishful thinking, but I like to do that every once in a while :)

Kierstyc said...

Wow Holls I had no clue about the eye stuff. I'm so sorry. I know that whatever happens will happen so you should pray about it and do what you feel is right. Don't worry, you are still relatively young...only 30? Wow, I can't remember if you are turning 30 or are already there, but I know it is freaking the heck out of me. Your kids are sure cute though...I can see why you'd like another. Besides you haven't experienced the drama that is having a little girl. My kids are both drama queens. Maybe that comes from me? Hope not. Anyways, call me!!! Breez has my number. Love ya!


Why we left the kids behind