Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Little Prophet

Carson is such a boy that it kills me. My friends and neighbors are always telling me about how their girls are so opinionated about what they wear and constantly changing their clothes. At four years old Carson could CARE LESS what he wears. Honestly his favorite outfit to wear is nothing but his underwear. Than all of the sudden last Sunday he had a complete melt down about a sweater I wanted him to wear to church. When I asked him what all of the drama was about, he said he had to wear a "kite" (his name for a tie). I asked him why, and he said he needed to look like the prophet! Well, how do you argue with that? So, this week I went and bought him a new white shirt and tie and this Sunday he looked just like a prophhet. Doesn't he look handsome!


Breezy said...

Hey Holly! I was reading Becky's blog and saw a link to yours. It was fun to read about how you are doing. I haven't talked to you forever, but I am glad that things are going well. Your boys are adorable! Email if you have any spare would be fun to talk to you!

Becky said...

That is so funny! His little voice just kills me. It is so sweet! I can just hear him saying that!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! A prophet! You must be teaching him well. It was so fun to see you the other day. Shame, shame, shame on us for not keeping in better touch.

Looking at your blog reminded me that I need to email you.....doing that now....

Emily said...

What a cute boy! I wish we lived closer so we knew them better. Such a cute family! I tagged you too, go to my blog for details. Sorry.


Why we left the kids behind