Monday, January 7, 2008

A Few Changes in Our Life

Well last Sat. we got a call from our Stake Presidents office asking if we could meet with our Stake Pres. (whose name we did not even know) the next morning. So at 8:00 a.m. we showed up dressed and stressed at the stake center. I was hoping for stake sports director. My hopes quickly went down the drain when the Stake Pres. called his counselors in to meet the Archuleta's, something inside me told me that they probably didn't usually all gather to discuss Stake sports. Ryan was called to be the 2nd counselor in our bishopric. Everything happened really fast. They sustained him in sacrament a couple of hours later and than set him a part with in minutes of the closing prayer. The best way to describe the day was powerful. It was fun to see Ryan's parents beam as he was sustained and set a part. The most overwhelming part of the day for me was when they ordained Ryan as a high priest. Pres. Ellis (our 1st counselor in our Stake Presidency) said it well when he told us that this calling would come and go, but Ryan would remain a high priest, literally forever.

I have to admit. Since than I have felt overwhelmed, and let's admit it a little neglected. But, I am grateful that Ryan has the opportunity to serve. When he came home from his meetings on Sun. he was glowing. I know that the sacrifices ahead of me will be a blessing for me, for Ryan and our children. I have already felt an overwhelming sense of peace in my life that has never been there before.


Hollyween said...

Wow, Holly! Yay for having a blog. They are so much fun. You're going to love it. Congrats on your husband being in the bishopric. Just think of all those blessings your family will get.

Can't wait to see ya next week!!!

Hillary Garner said...

That is so neat Holly! Tell Ryan congrats from Tom and I...he will be great, I just wish we were still in your ward to see him in action and to help you out!

Becky said...

Ryan is so awesome. He will do such a good job. Your family will be blessed.
Hey, Mont is already sick of his "longer" drive into work. Start looking for houses for me. :)

The Brann's said...

What great blessings you'll have for you husband being in such a great calling. My brother recently got called to be the bishop in his ward. I think it will be very difficult, yet very rewarding for your family. Best of luck with it!!!


Why we left the kids behind