Sunday, April 6, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

I'm not really sure how my life has become so crazy but it sure has. Just a month ago things seemed calm and laid back.

Here are a few events and things that have added to this months insanity:

I now have three callings. I teach Weeblos (the ten year old scouts), I'm on the Enrichment committee, for which my main responsibility is to teach a quarterly craft class for my ward, and I am a permanent sub for the Primary. Between those callings and Ryan's bishopric responsibilities my kids spend a lot of time playing in the church nursery.


I love Easter! It's a day that allows me to feel the hope and peace the resurection brings to my life. I can't help but think of the beautiful day when I will see my Dad, my baby, my grandma and my niece again. I can not express the difference it has made in my life to have the knowledge that my Savior was resurrected so that I could be sealed to my family forever.

I tried hard to keep Easter nice and simple. I just kept thinking we don't need to make this a second Christmas. I bought the boys each a small basket with some candy (which I mostly ate) and a few small toys including sunglasses, flashlights and some bouncy balls. Brayden LOVED looking for eggs, although he didn't get very many. He was so excited about each egg he found he had to bring it to me and let me share in the excitement. After three eggs Carson had found the rest.

The rest of the day was very peaceful. A sweet lady in our ward named Sister Samowitz spoke on the power of the atonement. I was so impressed with the strength and power in her testimony. I only hope that one day I can stand and testify with the power that she did.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at Ryan's parents. The food was, as always, delicious!!


Carson and my nephew Kaden were playing in the boys room when they discovered that the door locked. How cool to lock each other in and out of the room they thought. The only problem, the didn't know how to unlock it. Luckily when the door was shut they were both on the outside. Now all of this would have been no big deal, if we had a key to unlock the door. We searched every where for the key, but the thing is, we had never locked the door before, so we weren't even sure if the key existed.

Ryan and my brother-in-law Ed had to stick a drill straight into the lock and than saw the door knob off. As you can tell from the picture it left it's mark. The one perk, I can see if Brayden is sleeping like he should be or playing in his room with out having to open the door and thus without him knowing.


Carson will only be five this year and we have already done stitches, a concuscion, and now a broken leg?

Four days after we put in our trampoline, Brayden hurt his leg. Our pediactrician was concerned that he had a toddler break so we had to take him to get x-rays. Luckily the x-rays came back negative. He had to wear a brace for three days, but now he's fine. He screamed for about 45 min after it was first put on, but than he figured out how to hobble around with it and he never so much as wined after that! If we were smart parents we would have video taped him. He was hillarious to watch hobbling all over the house. He was so determined not to let it slow him down.

Besides all of this I have been working long hours trying to get a new business, that my genius friend Kim came up with called Simply Creative, up and rolling. Hopefully we will have our blog ready in a couple of weeks.

And Last of all WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!! I love disneyland and have been counting the days down until May when we go, but WOW vacations are a lot more work and very time consuming when you're the Mom.


Clark Family said...

Crazy, crazy!! I'm afraid that my boys will be as accident prone as yours, it's only beginning. Oh my gosh I swear everyone is going to Disneyland but me and I"m so jealous. Take me with you. I love that place it really is the happiest place on earth. And last but not I will 2nd everything you said about the Stansbury girls. I love you guys all so much.

Becky said...

I love you new peep hole. How funny. Well, I am not sure Mont would be laughing, but it's funny to read about.
I love your ideas on Easter. I feel the same way.

Leesee Girlyfield said...

I think Braeden could give Ivy a run for her money on getting hurt the most. Those two are just way too much alike!

Emily said...

Sounds crazy and fun all at the same time. I want to go to Disneyland!!!!


Why we left the kids behind