Last Sun we blessed Ellie. It was such a wonderful day. My Aunt Lenore made her dress, based on a picture I gave her. What an amazing talent. I love the dress. I wish these picture showed better detail.

This isn’t the best picture, but it shows the detail in the dress a little better.

If you are blessing a baby soon here are my top ten tips
1. Leave room in your fridge and time in your schedule for all of the last minute people that will drop by with food.
2. Let family and friends know in advance that you need to leave fifteen minutes early. (can you tell all the people showing up at the last minute to put food in my overstuff fridge made me late.)
3. Cook for the crowd. I played around with a couple of different menus and food items, and finally realized that the Archuleta’s are kind of a picky bunch and at the last minute decided to go with some family tried and true favorites. I think it went over pretty well.
4. The night before make sure you know were your car keys are (After all those people that made me late left, I realized I had no idea were my car keys were, luckily my brother showed up and drove me and the kids to the church. I didn’t find my keys until yesterday.)
5. Have a cute dress for baby to change into when you get home. Blessing dresses are kind of awkward for nursing and sleeping in.
6. One of the best things Ryan and I did is the couple of days before we talked a lot to the boys about their blessing days and things that happened. I think this helped ward of some jealousy and made them excited for the day.
7. Ask some one (like a sister or sister-in-law) ahead of time to write down the blessing for you as it is given (maybe some one with out kids, or older children so they can actually hear the blessing.)
8. Make sure all of your priesthood holders know they are invited. Than there’s none of the last minute awkward searching for everyone and trying to make eye contact to know they are suppose to up there.
9. Make sure every one has directions for the church.
10. Say a sincere heart felt prayer that morning as soon as you wake up that things will go smoothly and you will be able to relax and enjoy the day. (:
Whew blessings are a lot of work!