Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby Girl!

I called my OB today to see if I could come in and get checked. I've been having a ton of back labor pains and contractions about every 20-30 min for 2 days now. His nurse (whom I love) called back and said she had a better idea, how about we just do the c-section today. Evidently my OB was a little surprised that I had made it through the weekend and had asked her to call me this morning to see how I was doing and so when she told him I had already called they decided to bump things up two days. We will be going in at 5:00 to have the c-section!

Here's me at 37 weeks 5 days. A new family record (I even beat my sister who only made it to 37 weeks 4 days) Today I am 38 weeks exactly.Of course the boys had to be in a picture too.


Alice said...

Holly, Congratulations! Good luck to all of you! I can't wait to see pictures (when you're ready) Take care!

Brianne said...

Holy Cow!!! You'll be holding your baby girl in just a few hours, crazy!!!

Leesee Girlyfield said...

Oh, how exciting!!! Hope everything goes well!!!

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK! I will be thinking of you tonight. Cant wait for pictures. You look AMAZING by the way.

The Archuleta's said...

Good luck. I think we will come and visit you tomorrow night.

Lilet said...

Good luck and that is great that you will be able to have the baby today! I look forward to seeing pictures!! :)

McMillan Family said...

Good luck. Can't wait for picutes

Becky said...

You are giving Heidi and I a great B-day present. I am can't wait to see her!

Jamie said...

Holly I got your text! Congrats on sweet baby Ellie! can't wait to see photos!


Why we left the kids behind