Thanks to everyone who came to our Santa's Workshop. It was a ton of fun. The food was great and the vendors donated some awesome prizes. It was especially fun to be able to visit with old friends and watch everyone make and complete their projects. We've already started looking at venues for next year!!
I wanted to especially thank mine and Ryan's family for ALWAYS supporting, and loving me.
The antagonist to sleeping in and staying up late, a productive day
really yummy food I didn't have to cook
Vanilla Coke (hey, nobodies Perfect!)
Chocolate, Chocolate and more Chocolate
The boys Favorite Things
Driving me crazy
Playing together at night when they should be sleeping
Coloring on themselves with markers
Waking up early
Raiding the pantry (they love to eat)
The transformers Dad bought them
Toy cars (especially Brayden)
Carson LOVES preschool
Brayden loves anything small he can keep in his hands
Carson loves to color, he will sit and draw for hours
A Few of Ryan"s Favorite things
Hanging out with family and friends traveling
Walmart, and I'm not kidding he is in love with Walmart
playing rock band
Staying up late with me, sleeping in with me
Playing with his boys and spending time with me
watching movie
Reading the newspaper
Having the yard done
Brayden while potty training. "Mommy poop. poop. It fell out of me!"
Carson while watching me dance around the house to music, "Mom do you have to pee?"
Carson after being caught in a pirate costum playing in his room after bedtime. "My teacher told me to do my homework." Me, "this is your homework?" Carson, "Yes she said to practice being a pirate, I can't go to bed until I do my homework!"
Me to Carson while watching him try to climb out of the shopping cart "Carson, you are going to break a bone." Carson's quick response, "No I'm not Mom, I ate all of my carrots."
Brayden while riding the train in Chicago. "Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness."